
Waking Sync - by Joan Yang (AD)

Audio Description Transcript of Waking Sync - A Video by Joan Yang

Audio Describer: 3D animation. Black ink drops from above splattering on a white surface. A page stroke travels down, comes forward towards us, then down again. More splatches and drops. Curvy strokes and splatters continue. Splotchy background title, Perception Waking Sync. Interior of an elevator. The view is from the floor level peering upwards at an angle towards the door. The elevator door opens. The elevator door closes. Door opens. Door closes. The view is a lobby area.

An autumn leaf dangles from a branch. The view focuses in on some leaves behind this leaf which flutters out of focus in the foreground. Red and yellow maple leaves are ruffled by the wind.

A jiggling city view. Walking down a sidewalk beside reflective glass storefronts. The glass acts as a mirror, which reveals the camera person, who wears a jacket and wide brimmed floppy hat. A sidewalk view angle peers into a storefront window with a theater moquette or a miniature theater set. A pirate and two paper figures hold up swords. The reflection in the window shows Pizza Pizza, other stores, and passersby wearing winter clothes. Dozens of people walk by individually or in couples.

Superimposed images. An escalator step, a grill of silver lines. The escalator descends, as it lands, the view tilts upwards to a clear glass roof with a metal grid frame. An image of a metal grill fence in front of a brick building.

A blurry yellow screen coming into focus, text: “trust?”.

End credits roll. Special thanks Patty Douglas, Andrea LaMarre, Liz Jackson, Sara Wilde, Elizabeth Harrison, Georgia Simms, Liz Brockest, Erin MacIndoe-Sproule, Michelle Peek, Bridget Liang

Enacting Critical Disability Communities in Education

Patty Douglas, PhD pattydouglas@gmail.com

Project revision logo. White capitals on black background, typographical bullet between re and vision. Red background, white mind map, project revision circled. From the circle arrows and dotted lines connect various words.


Waking Sync - by Joan Yang


Unquiet Hands - by Katrissa Singer